Cyber Eagles Qualify for State

The RMA Cyber Eagle Team have booked their place at the State Competition on January 19th after qualifying past the second round of the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition.
On Saturday, December 9th, Riverside's Cyber Eagle team competed in the second round of the Cyber Defense Competition. There were 5,584 teams registered to compete in this year's National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, a 26% increase from 2016-17. The Cyber Eagle team had to defend Windows and Linux systems during the second round, which included blocking hackable ports, counter attaching malware, hardening defense systems, locking away phishing and configuring networks to prevent sensitive information from being accessed. 

With an incredible display of technical skill, problem-solving, and teamwork while participating in the 10th season of the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, the Cyber Eagle cadets who competed were:
  • Joseph Brockwell - Team Captain
  • Hong Yang - Windows 10 Security Specialist
  • David Zimmerman - Ubuntu Security Specialist
  • Eliyah Struve - Windows 7 Security Specialist
  • Christian Vo - Networking Security Specialist
  • Wesley Paul - Assistant Windows and Ubuntu Security
  • Giacomo Cannova
  • Tomis Hamilton
Although scores for round two are not yet in, Cyber Patriot Coach, Hector Salas, has estimated that the team did very well. Team scores from round one and two are added together to determine the placement at the state level competition. Congratulations to each cadet for their dedication to studying and the hands-on practice prior to competing in round 2. RMA Cyber Eagles will now prepare for the State Competition, which will be held at Riverside on January 19th. Good luck!